Official Candidate!

We are on the ballot!

I am writing to celebrate that I am now an official candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in CA's 5th District in the 2018 Primary Election, to be held on June 5th. 

In this video, filmed at the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters, I take my Oath of Office, swearing to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

Not only that: I've also successfully filed a 250-word 'Statement of Qualification' in every single county that makes up this district: Sonoma, Solano, Napa, Contra Costa and Lake.

The statement, which will appear in the official election guides mailed home to voters throughout the district, in multiple languages, reads as follows:


I am running for Congress because we, the people, deserve a voice in government. Big money has taken over politics, while our families struggle to survive. To truly thrive, we need visionary leadership. I will address the pressing issues of our time, including wealth inequality, climate change, social and racial justice, affordable housing, education and healthcare.

As an outsider to the political establishment, I bring a much-needed fresh outlook. I take no corporate or Super-PAC contributions. My allegiance is to our people and planet: to Main Street, not Wall Street. My father lost his life to cancer and our family lost our home to medical bills. I believe in Medicare for All. I will stand up for our elders and youth, protect Social Security, expand veterans services, make peace, support immigrant rights, improve public education and eliminate student debt. To achieve this, my top priority is getting money out of politics. I represent people, not corporate lobbyists.

My five-year-old daughter, Satya Rose, was born in this district, where I’ve lived and worked since 2010. I grew up in the Bay Area, graduated from NYU, and recently earned a master’s degree. I’ve served as a high school history teacher, grassroots community organizer and radio host. I currently work as a science teacher and sustainability nonprofit communications director. As a father, I will fight fiercely for our children and grandchildren, and strive to ensure a healthy planet, strong economy, and just society for all.

Thank you for your vote.

I look forward to the campaign ahead! 

Thanks to everyone for the amazing support, including the small grassroots donations and beautiful endorsements. It's truly going to take a collective effort to take back Congress for the people - but I believe we can do it!